Sunday, May 20, 2012

We Should Have Stayed Home

So the weekend we went out to take Jemma's photos, Blake went on a guys weekend with our friend Brent, my brother Dustin, and my dad to Wichita Friday/Saturday. Well that Saturday was a huge breakout of tornadoes. All my years living on the farm I never went to shelter at the house. We had to go 3 times that day! It was crazy! Of course Satanta had nothing hence the title. It was an adventure with two kids to say the least. The guys were gone so it was me, Jaxon, Jemma, my Mom, my Granny & Papa, and my Aunt Jan who was visiting from Kansas City (she wished she would have stayed home also). We crammed together under my parents stairs in the basement.


As you can see Jaxon has a bucket because he said he felt sick. He never did throw up but I know how he felt. I hated storms as a kid and was especially scared of tornadoes. My fear comes a lot from claustrophobia and not wanting to go to my grandparents scary, small, dark cellar! I still don't like them but I guess motherly instincts take over and I was focused more on my kids than myself.

Here is Jax playing twister as we're trying to keep him occupied and entertained between tornado warnings.





Granny told him stories while we were under the stairs so now he wants to do that all the time that we go back. Thanks Gran for keeping his mind off of it! Knock on wood, I hope we never have to do that again! But we were very fortunate and did not have any damage to anything but it did take out some houses not too far away.

Oh and this whole time the guys were coming back from Wichita and barely slipped through the tornadoes. But later that day the tornadoes were heading right to where they were in Wichita.

Did I mention the last time we took shelter we had gone out to eat because it looked like the threat was over where we were so as we were heading home we hit another storm and barely made it home before taking shelter again and losing electricity this time! Yeah, should have stayed home!

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