Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Dentist Visit


Tuesday, June 16 was Jaxon's first dentist appointment. We go to Dr. Ward in Hugoton. Jaxon did a great job and was excited to go. He checked his teeth and cleaned them. I am hoping he will view this as a good experience because when I was little I was terrified of the dentist. In fact, our regular dentist couldn't handle me and sent me to the "special" children's dentist. I am still more nervous to go to the dentist than the doctor. Jaxon liked it and was glad to get a toothbrush in his favorite color - yellow.
Afterwards, we saw some family friends the Lewises then went out to lunch.


Jaxon's Playlist Favs:
We were coming home from the farm on Friday and Jaxon slept the whole time. I was listening to my iPod and enjoying all the kinds of music I like without Jaxon asking for his favorites. When we were almost in to town, I was listening to Oldies and about a mile out of town Jaxon started waking up. He is cranky when he wakes up and is hard to reason with until he completely wakes up. He starts asking (demanding) the bomb, bomb song. I am trying to figure out what he is talking about and start playing his traditional favorites. He was getting mad at me and I kept trying to get him to tell me more about it. Finally, I heard something in what he was telling me and realized that right before he woke up I was listening to the song he was talking about. I didn't think he heard it at all. It wasn't a song I listened to a lot. So here is a new favorite to Jaxon's Playlist.

Blue Moon (The beginning is bomb, da, da, bomb, da, bomb, da da, bomb, bomb. We listen to it everyday now.)

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