On Friday, September 13 we (my parents, my brother, the kids, Blake, and I) all headed up to Kansas City. Dustin got Blake tickets to one of his favorite comedians, Jim Breuer, for his birthday way back in April. He got 4 tickets which means we had an extra and I really wanted to go so I asked my parents to go and watch the kids. I would have left them for a night but the next day Jaxon and Blake went to the K-State game (next post).
The Chiefs were playing that weekend and they were having a sort of pep rally close by where we were downtown so we all checked it out before parting ways.
We didn't stay for all of it. We wanted to eat before the show. We picked a pizza place right where the Chiefs rally was.
Jemma has become quite the Grandpa's girl lately. She knows how to twist him around her finger.
Then we parted ways. We had an extra ticket so my brother's friend (and ours) Jeremy went with us.
The show was at the Midland which was gorgeous. My photos didn't turn out very well but it was really nice. We were only a few rows from the stage so we had great seats.
The show was great! Blake was like a little kid, he was so excited!
Dustin holding my purse. I'm not sure why, I think one of the guys took the picture.
We hung around and got autographs on some books. This was the comedian that opened for Jim.
We also have a pic of Blake with Jim but it's on the iPhone so I'll have to get it.
Afterwards, we went for drinks and snacks at a pub downtown.