Thursday, October 1, 2009

Preschool Memories

This month at Jaxon's preschool they've been learning different letters and focusing on the color green so Tuesday was green day and they all wore green. I let Jaxon pick out his outfit the night before so we weren't rushed in the morning and he didn't argue with me that he didn't want to wear it. Thank goodness it went smooth - it doesn't always. When I picked him up after school, I asked how it went and he told me that they didn't have school anymore. He said that, "Miss Brandee said that it was the last day and they weren't going anymore." I tried to come up with some other ideas like maybe she said that it was the last day of school in September but he insisted that school was over and he wasn't very happy about it. I asked his teacher and she couldn't even think of what she said to make him say that. Fortunately, he did believe that they had school today and somehow forgot what he told me.
Today was their picture day. I gave him two choices last night of shirts to wear and laid it out so we didn't have the drama in the morning but my prevention plan didn't work this time. He put on the shirt fine but then he didn't want to wear his brown pants. I told him that it was picture day so he needed to dress nice. He started crying and said that everyone would laugh at him. I don't know where he gets this because I've never seen anyone laugh at him for wearing nice clothes. He gets "embarrassed" to wear nice outfits but not the crazy one he picks out or his Batman costume from last Halloween that he would wear everyday if I'd let him.
I don't care too much what he wears as far as being super nice or anything but just want it to be clean and look decent together if he's going somewhere. But sometimes I put my foot down because I don't want him to think he can cry and throw a fit then get his way. It wasn't really about the clothes - just the principle. (Which is a much bigger pain for me than him actually.) So we finally got out the door and he was totally fine and over it by the time I picked him up from daycare to go to Preschool.
His picture turned out pretty good I think. I'll have to see if I can scan it sometime and get it in but with how busy I've been I wouldn't hold your breath.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Just be glad he's not a girl...then your clothing battles would be 10,000,000 times as big.
