Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Jaxon!

Today Jaxon turns 5! He is so excited to be 5 and use his whole hand to show how old he is. I will have more pictures of his birthday parties later but I had to write something on his actual birthday.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Quit Hurting My Feelings!

The other day we were at Burrows outside enjoying some nice weather for a change and all of the sudden Jaxon started crying, "That hurts my feelings Ava!" Turns out he was upset because Ava said that Alex wasn't going to marry him. Jaxon said, "She is too going to marry me. She already said yes!" Watch out anyone who tries to date Alex because Jaxon thinks he has dibs. He also is planning on how they are going to raise their 5 kids.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Compliment? Sort of!

Jaxon told my brother he wanted to be just like him when he grows up but without the cussing.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Quick Update

Yes I know I haven't posted anything but things have been super crazy for us at the end of the school year and beginning of summer. Here's the quick version:
- Blake's appendix taken out
- trying to finish up the school year
- Jaxon's Preschool graduation
- field trip with emergency run to basement on way back because of Tornado warning
- trying to finish up the school year
- Blake in hospital for 3 days because of infection
- finish up the school year
- Vacation Bible School
- working on the farm
- water in basement
- dealing with water damage to carpet

So anyway you get the picture. I probably won't be putting up many posts since the water in the basement has caused us to get rid of some carpet and move things including the computer that I put pictures onto so no pictures. Also we're getting ready to start harvest and Blake and I will both be busy for that. Good news though - the doctor just said today that Blake is released and able to work and his wound should be able to heal now! Yeah!
I will try to catch up on blogs at some point. I really don't like to post without pictures but I might put up the posts and then add the pictures later.

Jaxon's Playlist:
Justin Bieber songs - I had to put this on the blog so years later when he denies liking Justin Bieber we have proof.
Hey, Soul Sister by Train - He LOVES this song! I personally didn't like it as well until I heard Jaxon singing it so now of course I love it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I'm about to kill a spider and Jaxon screams, "NOOO! Mom don't kill it! I want it to bite me so I can be a Spiderman!" Mommy killed the spider.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wedding Bells

We were in the car and all of the sudden Jaxon said, "Daddy, I'm going to need to wear your suit when I get older and marry Alex!" It was out of the blue and so cute because he was dead serious and not happy when we started laughing at him.

"I know what Jello is made of mom. It's made of Jell and O."