We kept going to DP games in June and Jemma had to keep bringing her golf stuff. She really only played it when another kid wanted to play it but we had to have it.
I was surprised that before harvest the guys built us an overhang! My parents had two of them that fell in and the company replaced them. So the guys took the parts from the 2 that fell in and built us a new one. (I think that's how it went. They'll let me know if I'm wrong.) I'm so glad to not have to worry about hail on our vehicles now.
I really wasn't expecting to get anything until right before school started but harvest was late this year so they had time.
Jemma's favorite part was getting in the back of Daddy's truck and watching. For awhile she wanted to get in the back everytime we went outside.
They got it done in about 2 days. I haven't got a finished picture yet.
Then we went old school and got Jaxon's old sand pit. We put water in when we first got it before we put sand in it. We took the sand out when we moved and haven't put any back in. It's too big for Jaxon but he showed Jemma what it was all about.