Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Catching Up

There hasn't been a whole lot going on which is kind of nice so I haven't felt I've had a lot to blog. Let's see what's been going on - we've been painting the living room. Those that have been in our house know that unfortunately if we want to paint the living room we have to paint the kitchen so it's a pretty big project. Plus our walls are textured so it takes forever! (Maybe that's a little exaggeration!)
Friday we went to the church to cook because our Sunday school class was doing a fundraising meal on Sunday for a shoe project - click here to read about it. Saturday we went to Garden to get some curtain rods for our new curtains - love them. Sunday was the dinner then the kids went to Howie's to play with their pool that was a gift from Gardners. Blake went back to the farm to work. This will probably be his last week or he may have a few days next week. My mom came Sunday and left today.
Monday was a doctor's appointment for Jaxon in Garden to get his physical so he can go to preschool. It went pretty well but we are going to look into what we can do for his umbilical hernia that never completely closed. He also had to get shots. This was his first shots in a long time so I don't think he remembers the others he's had. When I told him what was going on, he wasn't really concerned. The nurse said that Mommy will give you a "hug" while she gave him the shots. He was kind of flirting with the nurse being silly until the first shot then he said, "Ow!" and gave her a look that said, "How could you?" Then he started crying. But he was a pretty good boy and didn't jerk around or try to push her away. He had to get 4 shots in his legs. It didn't take him too long to quit crying but he still had a hurt puppy dog look. I told him he did pretty good and that when Mommy was little she cried a lot more when she got shots. So now he is telling everyone that Mommy cried so I have to explain the whole story.

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