Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love/Hate Cats

Here's what the title means:
Jaxon loves cats/kittens.
Mommy hates cats/kittens.

We've been on the farm most of the summer and of course they have new kittens. Jaxon has to see them everyday and loves to play with them. I do not like cats - AT ALL. So he does a pretty good job of keeping them away from me and not bugging me with them (we'll see how he is when he's older).
Before I was born my Granny used to have cats in the house. We've always had cats on the farm while I was growing up for obvious reasons to kill mice but they've been outside cats. Well now Granny is letting Jaxon bring the kittens in the house - yuck! I'm sorry but they are not cute to me at all. I hate their whiny meows and feeling all their little bones when you pick them up - gross! Give me a puppy any day.
I do however love watching Jaxon with them. He is so cute taking care of them and wrapping them in blankets. I will never love cats but I can tolerate them when I watch Jaxon with them. But we'll never have cats in my house - so don't bring them over!
Here are some pics of Jaxon taking care of the kittens. We need to get a puppy so he can put that love towards an animal I enjoy also.







By the way the yellow blanket was my baby blanket at Granny's and has been for all the grandkids and great grandkids. Poor Blanket!


  1. ah! that's an adorable kitten. good thing cats can't read your mean words toward it! :) haha. you describe it like a mouse or something. does Jaxon name the kittens?

  2. This might well be the cutest thing I have seen all summer. Of course, I LOVE kittens. They are so adorable.
