Monday, December 7, 2009

Reading Books!

I am still reeling from this weekend so this is a quick one that happened tonight that may only be interesting to me but I thought it was cute.
I was reading the Polar Express to Jaxon and holding the book the way I do when I read to my class so that they can see - with one hand, my thumb and pinkie in front of the book and my other 3 behind. As I was reading Jaxon stopped me and touched my hand and asked, "How do you hold the book like that?" He was just amazed like it was a magic trick. I explained it to him and asked him if he wanted to try. He looked doubtful that he could but I put his hands on it and he did. He said that's not how Miss Brandee or Julie holds it (I'm sure they do sometimes) and even gave me a demonstration of how they hold it. I told him that he can show them how to now. It never ceases to amaze me how much he pays attention and how impressionable he is. Who knew they were watching how you hold a book and taking notes?

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