Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jaxon's School Christmas Program

December 7 was Jaxon's first school Christmas program. He was so excited. They got to practice Monday and Tuesday where they were singing at the auditorium in the high school so they rode the bus over. Jaxon was so excited to ride the bus. I think it was his favorite part. I rode the bus everyday from Kindergarten through 8th grade and hated it by the end. Jaxon wishes he could ride the bus.
His teacher told me when they were going over to practice one of the Kindergarteners said he didn't have his clothes to perform in and some of the others including Jaxon were worried so she had to explain about it being practice and they would wear their clothes the night of the performance. I'm not surprised Jaxon was worried because he was excited to wear his new suit.
Here are some pics of Jaxon before and after the performance. Our camera's not very good so the performance pictures didn't turn out that well. My mom took pictures so I'll get hers sometime. Granny, Papa, Grandma, and Grandpa got to come to his performance and see him. Grandpa Ploger was going to come down but decided not to because of the weather.









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