My childhood friend Aimee Cross (Rottinghaus now) was there visiting family and she had her little girl there. We are both always told our daughters look like us. Here are some photos of our mini me's together.
The last week of July Lewis had their bible school. It was at the right time because we were still unpacking so it was good for Jaxon to get away and be with kids. They had a Bible Bootcamp theme. Jaxon's favorite part was when they made swords. They also made shields, belts, and shoes.
Here is the first day.
It was Monday through Thursday then on Thursday they had a program for the community.
Grandpa trying to keep Jemma happy. Wasn't happening.
Getting his certificate.
Afterwards they had a balloon release for our veterans.
Our new house finally came in Tuesday, July 24! We still need to sell our house in Satanta (fingers crossed) so we ordered a new mobile home. We know somebody in town that owns a empty lot and said we could use it. Small towns are great!
Here is Jaxon riding around with my dad trying to level it out.
The empty lot.
We also got a storage shed from Sturdi-Bilt since we moving into a smaller house and we needed the storage.
The watch party.
Blake actually had training in Larned that day so we didn't think he would be there but they ended up getting here later than we thought so he was back.
No he wasn't driving her.
Welcome to your new home kids!
Here comes the fun part. Moving truck full of our stuff. Yuck!
Here are pics inside the house with boxes. We are actually done with boxes so maybe I'll get up some pics of the house with it done.
Master bedroom.
Living room
Jemma's room
Jaxon's room
Utility room
And to finish off with some cute pictures of Jemma I took sometime during the whole process.
With Granny. Granny had carpal tunnel surgery.
So I blocked the rest of it to save myself but after they brought it in we had to wait for it to get set, unload boxes, unpack, skirting, etc... BUT it is all finally over and we are getting in a routine which I'll talk more about in other posts.