Friday, June 26, 2015

Picking Corn and Sandhill Plums

After we got back from vacation Grandpa said we'd better hurry up and pick some sweet corn before it was too late so we got up one morning to do it.








We got a lot! You don't even realize how much until you start shucking it! We ended up eating quite a bit but we also froze a lot which is great in the winter!

Later in the week Jemma and I went with Grandma and Grandpa to pick sandhill plums. Sandhill plum jelly is the best and we live in a small area that grows them and knows how awesome it is!


Picking plums is a lot different that corn. You constantly have to watch for snakes (yuck!) and it takes what seems like for every to fill a bucket as opposed to corn. You don't have to fill a whole bucket to get a lot of jelly though. And you have to watch for thorns. It has been a long time since I've picked plums and I forgot how much it is NOT fun! Oh well, can't wait for the jelly!

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