Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Get Your Motor Running!

Since Jemma is standing and getting ready to walk, I remembered that we had this car that was Jaxon's she could use to push around and practice walking with. We brought it up and had her try it out. You can put the legs together so they can ride it or they come apart so they can push it. I went to go get the camera to take pictures of Jemma on it and came back to this.


Jaxon drove her around for a little bit and she loved it. She loves her Bubbie! Did I mention that she says Bubba now along with Mama and Dada. She's not real consistent but we count it. She's also started doing some of the baby signs we've been teaching her. It is so fun to see the way they do the signs. It reminds us of how Jaxon did them.

Some more pics:




Yeah that is her trying to stand up on it. Blake said she got up on it the other day by herself.




There she goes. She loves to crawl back and forth into the living room and her room. When I say her name she will stop and look back at me and wave, laugh, then turn around and crawl really fast.

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