Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Getting Better (We Hope)

I got everything caught up on the blog and was so excited to keep up with it then everything got sidetracked when I got sick on our anniversary January 4. Then Jaxon got sick then I got sick again a week later then Jaxon's been getting sick every 2 to 3 days. So we've been trying to get caught up and back to normal but sickness keeps tripping us up. Just when I think things are getting back normal Jaxon would get sick again. He's doing better now so hopefully it will stick this time. (Fingers crossed, prayers said)

So I am going to slowly get back into this. Unfortunately most of ours days have been filled with trying to keep the sickness at bay.

Updates: Jemma is now standing on her own! She started not long after New Years. I've had a hard time getting a picture of it but will keep trying. She just pushed off of the chair she used to pull up and was standing by herself. She has even stood up without holding on to anything a few times so get ready because she will probably be walking before her birthday!

It was raining the other day and it was windy also. It wasn't really raining very hard but you have to understand that where we live it doesn't rain much so Jaxon doesn't have a good reference. I will say it was really windy which made it seem like it was raining hard. Anyway he was talking and asking questions and like a bad mom I was half listening and half thinking of what I needed to do. I heard him say something about dogs and asked him to repeat and he said, "It's raining dogs. We'd better run to the building quick because it is raining dogs." I guess I need to teach him the whole phrase of raining cats and dogs but I like the way he says it.

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