Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jax Wrote His Name!


I am so proud of Jaxon today - he wrote his name. We were downstairs (trying to get water out the window well again) and we started drawing shapes on his chalkboard easel. I have been showing him his name lately and talking about how to write it but he hasn't been interested. Ever since Bible School, he has been real interested in school and impressing his teacher Miss Brandee so I told him we need to work on writing his name this summer to show Miss Brandee. He wants to show her but always says later. So today when I suggested we write J and he said yes, I jumped on it. He did the J just fine so we went on to A then X. I figured we would stop there for now since he was starting to get distracted. That was this morning and I haven't asked him to do it since so I'm not sure how well he remembers but I'm just thrilled that he is even interested and letting me teach him. I know from previous experience - potty training, bible school - that he doesn't always do well with me trying to get him to do stuff. So hopefully we'll continue with that this summer and maybe some other things to get him ready.
Maybe people disagree, but I feel it is up to each individual kid when and how much they are ready to learn. I can work all day trying to make him learn his letters and numbers but if he's not ready cognitively and with his maturity then it just won't happen.


1 comment:

  1. Ella learned to write her name right after vbs, too. She doesn't think we know anything, but she would listen to her teachers at vbs, sunday school, preschool, etc.
