Monday, June 1, 2009

VBS 2009

I know I am behind again! You would think I'd have more time in the summer but I think the blogging will get worse because I am not on a schedule anymore. I'll do my best but most blogs will probably be of stuff that happened a few days ago.
Anyway, Saturday May 30 was the last day of VBS (Vacation Bible School). It was a year of first for both Jaxon and I - his first year going to VBS preschool and my first year helping in the preschool. It was an experience - sometimes good and sometimes painful - for both of us.
Here is a slide of some pics I took of the week. The pictures are out of order because the first ones are of the program which happened the last day. Everyday we would begin and end with the music and Jaxon wouldn't do any of it so I didn't think he knew it but the day of the program all of the sudden (with the promise of gum if he did a good job) he knew all the actions. We got it on video don't worry. The kids had a good time and I was surprised by how much the preschoolers really got it especially when it didn't seem they were paying any attention.
In some of the pics you'll see Jaxon's favorite craft project which was making a boat out of a shoe box. He asked everyday if we were going to make them. He also pretended it was an airplane. There are some pics of him taking the oars and being a boat and airplane himself.
Also, groups took turns making the snack for the day. We made the first snack which was putting together cups of chips, lettuce, cheese, and a tomato to look like the burning bush. They did a really good job especially since this was our first activity.

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